World of warcraft damage numbers not showing
World of warcraft damage numbers not showing

world of warcraft damage numbers not showing

To Square Enix's credit, they stuck with it, investing millions to literally reboot the entire world. FFXIV was notorious for failure ironically in its early days, with a catastrophically under-realized system that failed to maintain a stable player base. A challenger from another legendary franchise has arisen, dubbed Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn. WoW has long been the king of the paid-MMO world, until now. This recent player exodus might be temporary, but unless Blizzard takes notice, I believe it's only a matter of time before World of Warcraft relinquishes its crown for good. This time, however, something feels a bit different. I'd scoff at media types writing stories about "WoW killers" and hyperbolic articles talking about WoW dying, only for it to defy expiry date expectations time and time again. I've tallied over 10,000 hours of playtime in the game, going from hunting server-first boss kills and raid achievements in my youth to more casual high-end scheduled raids in my work-addled adulthood. Is World of Warcraft dying? You know, it's funny - I've been playing WoW on and off since the game launched in 2004.

World of warcraft damage numbers not showing