Potions made from Giant's Toes improve carrying capacity.
Deathbrand Boots DR add 10 to carry capacity for each piece of Deathbrand Armor DR worn, for a maximum of 40.
The mask belonging to Dragon Priest Volsung adds 20.
Thieves Guild Armor adds 20 (or 35 if upgraded after completing " Scoundrel's Folly").
The " Conditioning" Heavy Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Heavy Armor to zero.
The " Unhindered" Light Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Light Armor to zero.
The " Extra Pockets" Pickpocket Perk increases carrying capacity by 100.
The Steed Stone increases carrying capacity by 100 and negates the weight of worn armor.
Leveling up Stamina increases carrying capacity by 5 per level.
The Steed Stone improves carrying capacity.Ĭarrying capacity can be improved by a number of means: When playing on PSVR being encumbered causes the teleport range to be significantly shorter. Additionally, encumbered individuals cannot use carriages or Fast Travel (unless riding a horse). Exceeding this limit causes the Dragonborn to become encumbered, preventing them from running or sprinting. The weight of an object is displayed within the Item Menu. Maximum carrying capacity is a crucial element of all Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim included. Encumbrance affects the total amount of weight of items a character can carry in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.